
Choosing Univ for Game Dev

Started by April 19, 2020 06:55 AM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 5 months ago

Hi All, I'm in a dilemma to choose between a set of universities which I got unconditional offer for sept 2020 intake in MSc in Games Development (AR/VR).The following are the univ that have offered me.

Univ of Lincoln (Top 20, TEF Gold)

Univ of Hull

City Univ of London (TIGA Accrediated)

UWE Bristol (TEF Gold)

Goldsmiths, univ of London

Liverpool John moores univ (AR/VR)

Considering the exposure to different culture, Cost of Living and Part time availability,
Which would be great for me.
Should I give priority to TEF Gold or TIGA accrediated

Hi Ajith, so you have 6 universities to choose from. That's awesome. You have to make this decision yourself (it's YOUR life, after all). You should also consider distance (cost and time of travel), cost, climate… a bunch of factors, some of them more important than others, but it all adds up to data you can use to make your decision. Make a decision grid based on information you know now, plus other information you can find by doing some research of your own. I wrote an article on how to make this decision at

Good luck!

By the way, this question has been moved to the Games Career Development forum.

-- Tom Sloper --

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