
Advice for programming portfolio and further path

Started by November 29, 2019 10:13 AM
7 comments, last by xqwzts251 4 years, 9 months ago


I want to ask you for an advice. I'm programmer, working in gamedev, currently working on VR simulations and research. In my daily job I was responsible for the whole project, and code gameplay & netcode. I use Unity, and I don't know C++/UE. I'm CS graduate.

I'm wondering about further path / job change, but hen after job I'm trying to do something for portfolio, I just couldn't. I spent lot of time figuring what project to do, what to implement, and after hours of thinking, finding assets and basic code for movement etc. I still don't know what to do next and I drop my project.

I know that game programmer should have a good portfolio for showcasing his skills and frameworks/libraries etc. but I don't know what to code exactly.

I'm primarily interested in gameplay, netcode, in near time I want to check AI. I don't touch rendering and engine.

Do you have any ideas what future employer wants to see in portfolio? To be honest I want to develop small showcases rather than whole game projects (because I don't want to focus on graphics or design things).

I was wondering also about switching to C++/Unreal but I know that would take a lot of time.

I understand that my posts could be the same as 1000s' others, but I finished university, have a family and want to make stable move for near future, and also don't exit gamedev industry (because it's more interesting for me rather than etc. finance, commerce).

You don't necessarily need a portfolio as a programmer who is already in the industry. Experience counts for something.

The best thing to invest your time in is something that will help you get the job you want. If you just want to move into gameplay, then make something simple with gameplay code. Just pick a simple game from the past and make a simple version of it. Maybe list a bunch of them, plan out how many features there are, and pick the simplest one. You don't need to make a fully polished game - just enough to show the functionality. And be prepared to share the source code - when I'm caring I don't care one bit about the assets.

Two key skills an employer will be looking for are the ability to make decisions and the ability to finish things you started. These things have to come from yourself.


Well you can put your projects at work into your portfolio, given that you state clearly what area you worked on, and what is the company owning that project.

Also if you happen to write something during your free time. Something that doesn't really matter to you financially, you own the code, and you can open source it. You can put that on Github. It can help someone interested in hiring you to have more understanding about the level of your skills. You can also contribute something to open source project as well.

There's an old saying, "Those who can't write C++ are not game programmers". This is not necessary true anymore with the emergence of engines like Unity3D. However I think it helps if you know a little bit of C++ too, as majority of game engines are still written in C++. Try learning C++ a little bit, and may be how game engine works. That will help you understand more about game engine, including Unity 3D. One day you might have to work on a game engine itself, who knows ?

Many thanks you for you all suggestions!

I asked because I'm in point that I don't know whether to pursue gamedev or switch to other programming field, so I will give it a gamedev next try with little projects.

Probably not the advice you want to hear, but - if you're a family man - I'd seriously consider looking for alternatives outside game development (there's way more to development work than finance and commerce... not sure why that is always the go to example people contrast game development to...). Firstly, it's likely to pay you a lot better salary, secondly, it's likely to be a lot, lot more stable (unless you're with a really well-established company), and thirdly - you're more likely to have an employer that respects your time (though that depends on where you live and also the company - but the game industry is infamous for crunch and for treating developers as disposable - whereas good employers in the wider IT industry avoid it). Personally, the third has always been most important to me - I can always take my career in a new direction later, if I want to, but I'll never get another chance to be with my kids as they grow up.

Not clear to me whether you are in the industry already, or between jobs? If you're already in a job, focus on delivering value. Whenever I'm interviewing I'm looking for two things: 1) is the person smart? and 2) does he get things done? The first can sometimes be hard to demonstrate in an interview - it often depends on the interviewer. The second is "easy"; work on stuff that delivers value. If you're working big projects, try to agree with your managers to break them down into smaller deliverables (really, project management 101); that way, when you go to a future job interview, you can say "I worked on this game, and I delivered the core 3D engine, the physics engine, the skeletal animation, etc" rather than "I worked on this unfinished game...". If you're doing a small project for your portfolio, complete it (learn how to limit the scope of what you're doing so that you are able to complete it). A completed project, even of limited scope, is always a better than an ambitious, unfinished project.

Michael A. - Software Engineer, moonlighting as a game developer
A Brief History of Rome
Pirates and Traders

Probably not the advice you want to hear, but - if you're a family man - I'd seriously consider looking for alternatives outside game development (there's way more to development work than finance and commerce... not sure why that is always the go to example people contrast game development to...). Firstly, it's likely to pay you a lot better salary, secondly, it's likely to be a lot, lot more stable (unless you're with a really well-established company), and thirdly - you're more likely to have an employer that respects your time (though that depends on where you live and also the company - but the game industry is infamous for crunch and for treating developers as disposable - whereas good employers in the wider IT industry avoid it). Personally, the third has always been most important to me - I can always take my career in a new direction later, if I want to, but I'll never get another chance to be with my kids as they grow up.

I can second this.

I spent 10 years in the financial industry (as a software developer, of course). While the work they give you can be extremely boring, like do only bug fixing for 10 years!, they do pay well and have better benefit. You will get scold if you do too much work, rather than spending you time with your family.

To my surprise, one of the company I know of (which will remain unnamed) decided to cut every employee's vacation down to bare legally-minimum. This will not happen in other IT company ever as they will lose their people. Some of the startups nowadays even give you unlimited vacation.

So why does this industry treat people differently than others? I think, people choose to work in game because of their passion. They want to get in because they love video games. So there will be more supplies than demands. This applies to games and players too, players don't pay well because they have so many game to choose from. Try comparing this to bank, people don't really love the numbers, so these company has to pay really well to retain people. Software developers are hard to find after all.

Anyway I've just got back to game industry, as I got bored from fixing bugs for a long long time :-).


There are good companies and bad companies, the same with every industry.

There are companies that do everything in their power to screw over the workers, to give the minimum pay and benefits they can get away with, who treat their workers like crap.

There are companies that do everything in their power to reward workers, to give the best pay and benefits the company can afford, who treat their workers like superstars.

This is true in EVERY industry. There are hospitals where nurses are treated like gems, hospitals where nurses are treated like garbage. There are auto repair shops where mechanics are treated like supermen, there are auto repair shops where mechanics are treated like trash. Etc, etc.

Always keep your eyes open during job interviews to learn what kind of company you're applying at. Look for age diversity, older people don't put up with as much crap and look for people who have been there for many years. Look for gender diversity, women are about 20% in games, look for race diversity relative the location you're in. If you're in a city where whites make up 60% of the population, but the workforce is entirely fresh young graduate white males, run. Look for signs that people go home at night. Look at benefits packages, many companies offer "unlimited" time off others are strict 5-day or 10-day per year time off, some companies have amazing insurance offerings for families and also retirement plans, some companies have the minimum required by law.

If the game industry interests you, pursue it. If you prefer a career in accounting or business rules or creating web sites, pursue it. If you need more discovery of what you want to pursue, go read the book "What Color Is Your Parachute?", your local library has copies.

Sorry for long response.

I wholeheartedly want to thank you for your all advices. Now I'm more confident with portfolio development.

Answering questions: I'm working in gamedev about 2,5 years, but mainly on VR experiences/simulations. Also we don't have crunches etc. (although many years ago when I worked as QA in another company we had).

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