
Need quality advice whether to Study further or get in to the industry?

Started by September 29, 2019 06:20 PM
3 comments, last by frob 4 years, 9 months ago

Hello everyone, my name is Manav, I am 19 and currently I am studying game designing from an institute in India (Mumbai), its an Unity Certified Course and its about to be over. I have completed my high school and I don't have any kind of degree what so ever. 

I come from a business oriented family therefore my FINAL plan is to have my own Game Studio Production.

I really want to pursue in this field. My initial plan (when I was in 11th) was to study the overall basics of game designing and step into the industry with my own company producing games. But now after a year and a half I am at a point where I am offered job at where I study to be a teacher/professor. While studying game designing I got so much deeper into it as an artist that I now have second thoughts about stepping into the industry as a company and rather go to collage or at least keep studying at home by myself for at least 1 more year and then I would be stepping into establishing my own Game Studio.

But I am here to get advice from you people, professional people. What would you do if you were in my shoe. What kind of decisions would you make. Should I go to collage? If yes then which ones do you recommend and why? If not College than should I be teaching my self with online resources and courses? If yes then why? Should I start establishing my company and start producing game? If yes then would my lack of knowledge in each and every aspect of Game Designing sabotage my plans? Should I accept this teaching job, get some experience? If yes then why? Or maybe Should I do a Job or Internship at a proper Game Studio for about 6 months to a year?

Your Inputs will really help me decide my future path!

Thank you so much!

Get your degree. Continue working on your skills and portfolio in your spare time.

On 9/29/2019 at 11:20 AM, mashOnoid said:

my FINAL plan is to have my own Game Studio Production.

When you're ready, get an MBA.

-- Tom Sloper --


Go to college.

Anyone who tells you different isn't worth listening to. A college degree is what a high school diploma was. If you don't hav one it's a significant disadvantage. There is also no reason why you can't work on your game projects on you free time. infact, you should be doing that while at school.

I do not know any good colleges in India.

Your thinking too far ahead of yourself, sounds like your not in a position to be making a company full time anyways. That takes a lot of effort, and you need to have a product 1st. Then the company will come to manage it. Having a company in games but no game project itself is useless.

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It is possible to manage a business even if you have little or no experience in the industry. Excellent management skills, negotiating business hurdles, working with people and contracts, the skills can be applied to nearly every industry. There are people who are great at managing games business -- particularly in roles like business development and people management -- who never spent a moment of their career trying to actually build games.

You write about game design, game art, game programming, and studio management, and also a job as a school professor. Each one is a distinct field. Consider the areas where you have the most competency, where you find your personal bliss, where you have strong interests, and follow those. Every one of those fields generally requires a specialized degree.

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